
Friday, October 15, 2021

A podcast called Culture and Value

I haven’t been posting here lately, mainly because I have been spending the time I would normally devote to writing posts for The Electric Agora (most of which find their way to this site in modified form) trying to develop a podcast for the EA network of podcasts. Things have gone slowly largely because of technical and procedural problems but a very brief introductory episode of the podcast and the first substantive episode (a brief memoir entitled “Chinese General’s Daughter”) are now available. You can find the show, called Culture and Value, at, the Electric Agora YouTube channel, and on the following audio streaming services: Castos, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Amazon/Audible, Pocket Casts and Spotify.

The show is very much a work in progress and may or may not continue in its present form. I like doing it, but obviously there will be no point if I can’t sustain an audience. We’ll see how it goes.

I intend to use Twitter to signal new episodes (@mark_english1), but I may also post summaries and links here at Conservative Tendency.

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